Changes to Permitted Development Rights from April 1st

Permitted development rights are types of works, usually less complex and minor proposals such as small alterations and extensions that can be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission. From April 1st,  new extended permitted development rights came into force which allow residents of both houses and flats to build structures and cycle stores within both their front and rear gardens.

Permitted development rights relating to bike stores, which are of particular relevance to active travel improvements within the city, allow a structure within the rear curtilage of a tenement for the specific use of storing bicycles. There is no limit on the dimensions of any bike store. However, only one such bike store can be erected, and these rights do not apply to listed buildings or sites within the boundary of the World Heritage Site. The resulting bike store cannot create an obstruction to light to another building.

Bike store criteria if you live in a tenement flat with a rear communal garden

Further changes to permitted development rights include the conversion of agricultural/forestry buildings into dwellings or flexible commercial developments, and expanded telecommunications development.

For more information on the updated criteria for incidental structures/bike stores, please see the Council’s quick guide to sheds and incidental buildings.

For a general overview of the wider changes to the new Permitted Development Order, please see the Scottish Government’s Transforming Planning website.

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